In yet another bout of hypocrisy, Cancer Research UK are asking people to nominate their Race for Life hero (or heroes).
This is the same organisation which refuses to recognise, let alone thank, the man who created the Race for Life; the man without whom none of the near £1billion it has raised would have been possible. Instead, they are trying to airbrush that man, Jim Cowan, from the event’s history while taking no steps to distance themselves from the fraudulent activities of Jill MacRae, the employee who faked creating the event herself.
Why not help us to speak against this hypocrisy, this lack of integrity; why not nominate Jim Cowan as your Race for Life hero; why not nominate the person without whom none of it would have happened?
To nominate Jim email your nomination and reason for nominating to: [email protected]
To do so on Twitter, follow this link: https://twitter.com/raceforlife/status/1215914247059910656
To do so on Facebook, follow this link: https://www.facebook.com/raceforlife/photos/a.10150132516578689/10158345155913689
To do so on Instagram, follow this link: https://www.instagram.com/p/B7K85XRgR24/
Better yet, why not nominate on all four to really drive the point home!
Join us in ensuring Jim Cowan is not whitewashed from the history of the Race for Life and that he finally gets the recognition he so richly deserves.
In the Race 4 Truth, Cancer Research UK are lagging behind.