Cancer Research UK’s new Chair, Lord Simon Stevens, has snubbed Race for Life creator Jim Cowan who wrote to him following his appointment last October.
When Lord Simon Stevens was appointed as Cancer Research UK’s new Chair, replacing outgoing Chair Sir Leszek Borysiewicz, Jim Cowan wrote to him in the hope that a new Chair might represent an opportunity for Cancer Research UK (CRUK) to rediscover its integrity and do the right thing by correcting its historic misinformation campaign over the creation of the Race for Life.
Lord Stevens took up his post in October 2023 and Jim wrote to him on 18th of that month.
In his letter (see below), Jim congratulated Lord Stevens on his appointment before stating that it was his hope that Lord Stevens would help to right a wrong of nearly thirty years; the misrepresentation of the origins of the Race for Life and, with it, Jim, the person who created the Race for Life, never being recognised for coming up with the original idea for and launching Cancer Research UK’s most popular fundraising event.
Jim then went on to outline the correct, historically accurate version of the event’s creation which followed his own late father’s cancer diagnosis in 1993. He explained how he had come up with the idea and went on to tell how Jill MacRae had then laid false claim to the idea being hers. He confirmed that his position was supported by documentary evidence and by witnesses. He also noted that reputable sources such as Wikipedia and Runners World magazine recognise him as the event’s creator while CRUK continued to refuse to do so.
He reached out with a genuine offer to meet and to share evidence stating; “Despite nearly thirty years of being ignored by the charity you now Chair, I remain happy to meet and to share evidence with you. I am also more than happy to examine any contradictory evidence (in the unlikely event any exists) and comment on it. Witnesses, including the person who made the initial introduction, are still available too.”
In closing he wrote; “I trust that as the new Chair of the charity you will be seeking to be at the head of an organisation that does, and is seen to do, the right thing. I therefore hope I can look forward to hearing from you soon and to beginning the process of righting the wrongs of almost thirty years and to finally putting the record straight.”
It was then not until 23rd November that Jim received a reply, not from Lord Stevens but from his Executive Assistant Jo Stephens who wrote only to confirm that Jim’s letter had been received and that they would be in touch in due course.
And then……….
On 22nd January 2024, a quarter of a year after his initial letter and over eight weeks after Jo Stephens confirmation of receipt, Jim decided to write again in order to chase the courtesy of a reply.
And again……….
It is patently clear that instead of looking at the evidence and gathering facts, instead of addressing the very serious issue the matter raises with regard CRUK’s lack of integrity and systemic dishonesty, Lord Stevens has instead preferred to snub Jim. He has not even extended the common courtesy of a reply, even one stating that CRUK’s position is not changing.
Clearly, when CRUK’s position cannot be defended, when there is no counter story that can be offered that is based in truth, and there is no evidence to counter Jim’s, Lord Stevens has decided to assume CRUK’s long held position of silence and of ignoring Jim.
This is a position completely lacking in integrity, one without honesty. A position that points only to a fear of confronting the truth. In this instance silence is not golden, it is incriminating.
In the Race 4 Truth, Cancer Research UK, and with them Lord Stevens, are lagging behind.
UPDATE (29th May 2024):
Incredibly, seven months after Jim first wrote to Lord Stevens he has finally received a reply; not from Lord Stevens but from CRUK’s Director of Fundraising, Simon Ledsham. Read the full details and our take on it here: https://race4truth.com/cancer-research-uk-continuing-to-bury-the-truth-about-the-race-for-life/
Read Jim Cowan’s 18th October 2023 letter to Lord Stevens here:
Read Jo Stephens 23rd November reply here:
Read Jim Cowan’s 22nd January 2024 follow up letter to Lord Stevens here: