Cancer Research UK have long maintained a highly hypocritical stance when it comes to giving recognition where it is due. And their new CEO appears keen to continue the tradition.
We have previously reported how she refuses to any recognition to Jim Cowan for creating the Race for Life while happily accepts recognition for herself, not least in the form of an OBE.

And with the announcement of the Queen’s Birthday Honours list, she is at it again. Her and her integrity free, hypocritical charity are happy to accept recognition, and tell the world about it. But the silence over Jim Cowan continues, the airbrushing of his name from the Race for Life’s history continues.

We are not suggesting that any of the awards and recognition Mitchell refers to in her tweets are not deserved. We believe in due recognition being given wherever it is merited. It is the hypocrisy displayed by Mitchell and the organisation she heads we find mind-boggling.
It is dictionary definition, classic hypocrisy.
In the Race 4 Truth, Cancer Research UK are lagging behind.